Company transport enterprise number 7

Phone: +7 (8412) 26-29-20; +7-965-633-3042

Address: 440 034, Penza, ul. Metalworkers, 7-A (map)

ICQ: 447-187-473

The company provides maintenance, diagnostics, and repair of freight cars of all makes. The territory of the company includes 2.5 hectares of protected areas, industrial and office buildings, repair boxes. On the territory of the ATP has parking for trucks, car wash, running a canteen. The entire technical staff - highly qualified specialists with experience in this field. Ltd. auto parts store "ATP-7" is a modern trading company with good software and a large warehouse of spare parts.
Visits since 1.01.2025: 874
Category visits since 1.01.2025: 328 898